I probably spend too much time reading dental text books and pouring over the literature. Seriously, I should get a hobby.
But, fortunately for you, this means I can sort through the piles of bad and mediocre books to find the best of the best. In this post I will present three of my favorites.
Be forewarned, the following texts are not exactly leisure reading. These are intense, dense books packed with practical information. If you’re willing to take the time to read and re-read passages, you will change the way you do dentistry.
Best Book on Occlusion
I sleep with it under my pillow at night.
Hands down my favorite book in this category is Pete Dawson’s “Functional Occlusion: From TMJ to Smile Design.” If you’re been following my posts on occlusion, then you already have heard me sing the praises of this book.
Occlusion has long been a mystery to many a dentist, but Dawson’s text clearly explains his theories about TMJ and TMD, equilibration, and esthetic analysis. His prior books on occlusion are also excellent, but this latest version is complete with comprehensive visuals.
If you have any interest in solving the mystery of occlusion, buy this book.
Best Book on Implant Dentistry
There are a handful of excellent books on dental implants out there, but if I had to pick my all-time favorite, it would be Carl Misch’s “Dental Implant Prosthetics.”
Misch is the only author I know who devotes a whole chapter to implant occlusion. He skillfully incorporates principles of physics and material science into restoring everything from single units to full arch cases. His theories on abutments, platform designs, and biomechanics are intriguing, to say the least.
Best Book on Prosthetics
If you’re looking for a book to super charge your prosthetic skills, look no further than “Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics: Prosthodontic Treatment” by Mauro Fradeani and Giancarlo Barducci.
Wow. The visuals here are stunning. There are gorgeous photographs and illustrations of everything from basic prosthodontic principles to advanced techniques.
I especially like the detailed checklist they provide to aid in communication with your dental laboratory.
Their first book in this series covers esthetic analysis and diagnostics exclusively and is also worth checking out.