Think of a friend and colleague you trust. It might be an old friend from dental school, a study club, or your local dental society. Call them up and tell them you have a great idea…
…you’re going to swap office managers.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to bring an unbiased expert into your practice to evaluate your front desk? Dentists pay many thousands of dollars each year to have professional practice consultants do just that. But if you’re like me and you don’t have that money lying around then this project could be the next best thing.
That’s the Why of the project. Let’s go through the Who, When, Where, What, and How.
Who: You, your colleague, and both of your office managers.
When: Half a day should be plenty of time. Pick a day you both have off rather than trying to squeeze the time in around seeing patients. If your schedules are just too darn busy, then find a few hours before a work day. Definitely DO NOT do this after work as everyone will be tired and just want to go home.
Where: Pick one of your offices, not a restaurant or bar. A night on the town can be fun, but you’ll be more efficient if you’re not distracted. If you like, treat the office managers to lunch or dinner afterwards to show your appreciation.
What: Discuss everything! Take turns walking through your systems for dealing with everyday occurrences. Some obvious examples include:
– Scheduling
– Billing
– Accounts Receivable Management
– Dental Supply Ordering
– Recall
No topic is too mundane. Even the systems that you think are working just fine may have room for improvement.
How: The way that you and your colleague present this idea to your office managers is crucial. Make sure they understand that this is an opportunity for both offices to grow. Don’t make it seem like they are in trouble or that the other office manager is being brought in to correct their mistakes. This is a positive and exciting experience; convey your enthusiasm. The teams are coming together for mutual benefit.
I guarantee your meeting of the minds will generate practical ideas for both offices. You’ll find several ways to improve efficiency, make day-to-day operations easier, and save money.